Sitemap GEM-Projects Independent Glass technology consultancy services... 

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Glass Technology Consulting   

  Sitemap GEM-Projects Independent Glass technology consultancy services... 

GEM-Projects Independent glass technology consultancy services

About us

Managing consultant Geert Jacobs CV

Our customers

Glass industry - glass manufacturers

Suppliers to the glass industry

Customers of the glass industry

Examples of glass technology projects - snapshots.


News: Gambling on glass quality is not an option - new study on cullet quality control.

News:Glass technology courses and practical training programs

Upcoming events: Conferences, seminars & events of interest of the glass industry.

Free tools & utilities: Glass industry dictionary - lexicon

Glass industry dictionary - lexicon

Why should you use our freelance glass expert services? Nine good reasons

Our fields of expertise:

Geology &minerals for glass production

Raw materials & glass recycling (cullet

Glass furnaces & energy efficiency

Glass productivity improvement

Glass products quality improvement

External links




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GEM-Projects Freelance glass technologist

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GEM-Projects Glass technology experience and expertise